@.on the EIGHT day of christmas
hello world,
NEW YEAR eves wasnt so bad after all , was it , girls?
haha , as long as I'm with them it doesn't REALLY matter,
at ALL :)
Manage to countdown till 2008 ends,
Yep !
we even ran with our heels ,
and one even ran barefooted ,
and one was already ahead of alllll of us,
and one of them actually ter show some stuff
Just in time for the fireworks,
pretty pretty fireworks,
super awesome pawesome babes !
the pictures will be up later, so please do come back !
We group hugged, which signified a start of something new ,
i was planning to write some duper long stuff,
but i'm so lazy
and i have no pictures with me now
Now now, nobody wants to read a blog with no pictures right?
Dull mull !
Will continue later on,
jettttinggg offfff,,
Dayuuuum !
Sexy smexy messy hair (L)(L)(L)
Happy new year once again !! <3
Here's something funny for all to read,
sheong says:
sheong says:
my result wasnt so gud de
may² says:
walaaaooo ! want to merendahkan diri some more ah ! hahahah
sheong says:
u wana get good grades like mine when SPM?
may² says:
sheong says:
actually i put rm 50 inside every paper
sheong says:
sheong says:
u should try it
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