
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

@. money honeeey


Papa says hi dont go out so late and ...............................bla...bla...bla...bla....bla....bla

ok bye......bla

I know right! the cutest silly little thing on earth :P
My bro sent me that (L)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

@.cant win your losing fight

Promoting DOME

Jia's phone takes the whitest pictures ever

Hello world,
All the heavy subjects are off,
Physics and Admaths is a guarantee fail , and also the first time failing in my life
But its okay , We lose We learn ;)

In about 48 hours time, I will be a bird,
A falcon I choose

Chemistry tuition was a bore,
but filled with laughter and gossips ,
its the best medicine one can get
I also find it annoying, how the teacher finds her 'KEY' analogy so amazing,
come on , I could come up with a better theory than hers, ;)
In a different version of course. ;P


The people I love are all down and unhappy,
I just wanna let them know,
there are people who are always there for you and forever will be

Ric, cheer up :) Everything is gonna be ok! (L)
And B , let.it.go (L) we love you so much! You have us
Alex ; seeing you sad hurts ,I got your back (L)

And all who are having a rough day perhaps week or month,
Just go on with life because every day is a different day,
and You can make a difference if you try.


*kisses comodo's sand . mehh *


Friday, May 22, 2009



hellooo world (L)
finally I break , a getaway from alll the boooks

Boooom boooom powwwwwww!

It's time to sleeep, endlessly like Sleeping Beauty,
and I mean it


I bet its 22nd In every world right now,
and before I pass out,

A very Happy Legal Birthday to Alex (L)
Thank you for everything you have done for me,
We're all here for you , you know that
GO HAVE FUN and PLEASE, control :D


Wednesday, May 20, 2009



Hello world,
The thing is, how can you not love Kris Allen?

I personally think he sang the Third song better then his competitor, Adam ,
the other superstar (L)

I don't mind who wins this Season really,
but watching Kris getting better each and every week,
now that's what you call the real deal ;)


Biology's tomorrow and the clock's ticking,
gotta jet and start studying!

maaaaaaan , we should be give the rights to vote too ;(
anyone in US is gonna help me vote? *hints hints*
Likely, not.


Friday, May 15, 2009

@.sing me a melody,

Hello world
I know im bored but what's a girl to do ? ;)

Blogging to me, doesn't have those excitement anymore,
kinda lazy to update my blog too :S

The form5 are having their mids now!
Getting ready for their major's i hope they do their best!

On the other hand . we're heading the big baaaangs this monday!
Bummer ;\

United Kingdom chocolates arriving here soon!
I can't wait! (L)(L)
Whats a foood loooover to do!

If I never update tomorrow,
Someone hits the BIG 24 tomorrow!
Happy Birthday in advance, Ricardo, :)
A great companion , A great advisor and A great friend!
Go go hit the roads with Benette, probably your dream anyways
Have fun! (L)

Out now, its time to face the books,
now or never ughhhh

miss me, do!!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

@.Special for J

my BFF (L)

so white, :|
Hello world
i'm a dead blogger right now,

who cares :P

pictures above, went out to celebrate Jia's (L) birthday!
I love you girl you knw that

thanks for everything

